Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mitch's graduation party!

I realize this is 6 months late but it is no less important. I planned a surprise party for Mitch's graduation and it was really fun! It was hard to keep it a surprise but so worth it. We had the party in our backyard in Tennessee on a perfect night. The party was the day before his graduation. I just had to do something special for him. I have been wanting to throw him a party since the first day of graduate school. So, it was kind of a big deal. I couldn't have done it without the help of all the friends in the branch bringing food and helping with decorations. Thank you so much! Here are some pics below. Enjoy!

I just had to post this one. Mitch's first day of graduate school! Yes, I made him pose.

Some of Mitch's munchkin friends

Some of our bestest friends!

One of gals in the branch made a homemade pinata! Yeah, the kids (and Mitch) loved it!

Thank you Martha Stewart and Pinterest!

I did a picture timeline of all of Mitch's school day photos. Gotta love those Jr.High photos!

I am a bit excessive and made some light decorations. The ambiance was nice.


Caleb, Shannyn, and Clark Weiler said...

How did anyone plan a party without pinterest? The party turned out great meg. I would kill Caleb if he posted my jr high pics. Too funny

Donna said...

Looks like it was an awesome party. So happy to hear that you both are working and moving on into the next chapter of your life.